- Take time for one's self
- Find a personal hobby or distraction
- Meet with friends frequently
- Laugh alot
- Live in the now
It's a well known fact that we encounter many lemons through the span of one's lifetime. However if we all try to make a little lemonade once in a while life may not be so bad.
Theses are often hard rules to follow, as a new step-parent. I tend to try and pick my battles, though I've caught myself often running outdoors to do a little smoke therapy. I know, its not the best of ways to deal with my little episodes, however it does seem to give me a few minutes to reflect therefore making more rational decisions. I hide my Benson & Hedges trysts from the boys, (monkey see, monkey do right?) , but I am quite sure they know the dog does NOT have to pee THAT often. Wouldn't it be nice to be blatantly honest and say "I do this instead of biting your head off." despite the horrific look intended to make non-evil step-parents melt?
My spouse is very understanding as he already knows I need these little jaunts, or I would internally combust.
I will continue to scour the internet, in search of the perfect way for me to feel comfortable in my new capacity. In the mean time, the promise of a child-free week-end, along with the promise of march break looming in the near distance, keeps me going strong. What should I do with all this child-free time, oh the possibilities... My spouse has many recommendations, as most men do. Only three more sleeps!
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